Dothan Brook is an amazing school. In case you weren’t aware, October is National Bully Awareness Month and our school is tackling that issue head on! Our school councelors have done an amazing job of exploring bullying prevention and the students, from pre-k up to 5th, are all familiar with the three signs of bullying and what to do about it. We have excellent examples of students standing up for one another in school, on the bus, and out of school. Ask any kid and they will tell you exactly what bullying is and how it can be stopped. All week I read the classes books about bullying and they were so proud that those times of situations don't happen at DBS.
All week the students have been making signs and banners, pencil
toppers, wrist bands, and more to prepare for the big day. The students and staff have bright orange “Otters Don’t Bully” t-shirts and everything is decked in
orange, the official color of bullying prevention.
On Thursday we held a Unity Day celebration, starting with a very orange group walk to school (see the
DBS Facebook page for some great photos!). At the end of the day there was school-wide assembly where they showed projects students had
made, built a chain of bullying prevention messages, heard the story One be read by two 5th graders, and had a performance
by the Select Chorus. The energy was was high and the students were excited.
The Unity Day chain, with a link from each student, stretches across the length of the gym. |
These students are from my 4th/5th grade enrichment group. We worked on anti-bullying projects using Scratch programming. The kids only had a few days, but the were committed to showing great projects at the assembly and several of them came in during lunch or recess or study hall to complete and refine their projects. I was excited to see the enthusiasm for both the message and the technology!
Enrichment group students showing their anti-bullying projects. |
I feel so fortunate to be working at a school so committed to each and every student. I couldn't ask for a better environment to spend my days.