Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Biography Fair
Research and presenting
In enrichment this session we are learning about different ways to research and then how to present what you've learned. First step, how to find in formation in the library. These kids were excited to learn about the Dewey Decimal System.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Sunday, March 26, 2017
BB-8 Wrap-up
The 4th and 5th graders, and the 2nd and 3rd graders, were tasked with creating an obstacle course and programming BB-8 to complete the course. I also asked them to take photos and videos of the process so we could compile them into a final project to present.
The 4/5 group created their course using masking tape, cardboard, felt, Imagination Playground blocks, and Keva planks. The 2/3 group experimented with masking tape tracks, unifix components, and Imagination Playground blocks and tracks.
We all learned a few valuable lessons!
- The Sphero BB-8 robot is harder to control than any of us expected!
- It's easy to create a cool track, but frustrating each time you have to simplify it for the robot.
- Eight-eleven kids trying to share one robot/iPad is tricky. I brought in my Dash robot to help alleviate this problem, but the kids still really wanted to make BB-8 run the obstacle course!
- Dash is a lot easier to control and more predictable with it's behaviors.
- Technology troubles are super frustrating! We had battery issues with Dash, "head" issues with BB-8, connectivity issues with both, and always the risk of low battery.
- Programming is fun!!
The 4th and 5th graders compiled their videos and photos into a final presentation to share:
The 2nd and 3rd graders ran out of time to make their movie, so I pulled their videos and photos together into a presentation:
With a lot of time and missed recesses (their choice), the 4/5 group was able to get BB-8 to mostly complete the track they had designed, with a few track modifications (removed ramps and stage). The 2/3 group went through several track revisions and ran out of time to finish the track. They had more difficulty with the programming as well. Lots to learn for all of us!
I'm planning to keep Dash at school, or maybe buy a school one so my kids can have theirs back! We also have Lego WeDos available, and EV3s for the more advanced programmers. Everyone agreed that enrichment group is fun and robots are cool. :)
Thursday, March 23, 2017
We love to read
A student made me a sign for the library. I love it! It's now hanging on the window next to the door so kids in the hallway can read it. 😊
Monday, March 20, 2017
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Meet the Dullards - the extra boring edition
Meet the Dullards, by Sara Pennypacker, just might win our Red Clover Book Award voting next month. This books appeals to elementary kids of all ages right from the cover. Thanks to oddly drawn characters, a dog on a ball, and a call-out claiming the book to be an "Extra Boring Edition!!", kids are hooked and want to read more!
Mr. and Mrs. Dullard are quite dull, but the kids... well, you need to keep a close eye on them! The Dullards take books away from their children in favor of plain paper, have their children watch a powered-off television, and even request vanilla ice cream with no vanilla. The students think this is all pretty hysterical. One little preschooler even went home and tried to tell her mom all about the book, leaving her mother quite confused! :)
The text tells us that in the end the Dullards go to bed quite content in the knowledge that their children are perfect bores... but the illustrations show something a little different. Read it and find out!
We Forgot Brock!
We Forgot Brock!, by Carter Goodrich, is another one of this year's Red Clover Book Award nominees and the children are loving it! Phillip and Brock are best friends, but we quickly learn that not everyone can see Brock. The whole family goes to the fair one day and while Phillip gets sleepy and his parents bring him home, Brock is not tired at all and ready to ride "the Brain Shaker!" When Phillip arrives at home and realizes that Brock is not there, he is devastated. He spends the next few days looking everywhere for Brock. Meanwhile, Brock meets a little girl named Anne who takes him home and tries to make him happy.
I don't want to spoil the story for you, but it does turn out ok and everyone ends up happy in the end! Including all the kids who have read it. :)
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Getting creative
Third graders pulled out the Imagination Playground blocks to augment their BB-8 track today. It was great to hear their ideas develop and see the teamwork! We have one more week with BB-8 before we have to send him on his way.
Monday, March 13, 2017
Above the desk
I like these vinyl walk stickers. I'm hanging quotes up all around the library. This is above the check-out desk, and above the Very Hungry Caterpillar the last librarian made. 😁
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
The Related Arts team can pull together a pretty awesome staff meeting snack table, if so do say so myself. 😁