The Dothan Brook School library services about 250 students in grades pre-k through 5th. Students have a scheduled time each week to visit the library, hear a story, and check out a book. Older kids who have demonstrated responsible library behavior are allowed to come more often to exchange books several times a week.
At the library students also learn about online citizenship, digital safety, and the basics coding and robotics. We have lots of fun robots here that the kids like to use.
Students are welcome to browse the library in person, of course, but you can also browse online using our Online Catalog System. When new books are added to the system they show up on that page, so check often to see what's new. I'm always happy to take suggestions for new books. Students can tell me in person, or send me suggestions via email at:
About the Librarian
Hello! My name is Tessa Johnson. I am so happy to be teaching at Dothan Brook School. I have a background in web development and technology, plus a LOVE of reading and literacy. I have two children, both Dothan Brook alum! We read so much in our house that we often joke that I must be the only mother ever who has to tell her children to stop reading and do something else! :) We are a reading family with bookshelves in every room of the house.
I am excited to share my passion for reading, and my experience with coding, robotics, and all things new and techy. It will be a fun year at the Dothan Brook School library media center!
I'm looking forward to learning with you!
- Mrs. Johnson