Sunday, September 22, 2019

Banned Books Week

Each fall Banned Books Week rolls around and I never feel quite prepared for it.  This year will be different.  I've spent all weekend putting together a display and activities and, most importantly, words to have the discussion.

According to the American Library Association,

"Banned Books Week (September 22-28, 2019) is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Typically held during the last week of September, it spotlights current and historical attempts to censor books in libraries and schools. It brings together the entire book community — librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of all types — in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas, even those some consider unorthodox or unpopular."

Every year books are challenged on the basis of gender, sex, language, racism, witchcraft, and many other topics. Libraries have a formal process for reviewing a book challenge and the American Library Association tries to document these events. Each year they publish lists of the most challenged and banned books and celebrate Banned Books Week in order to draw attention to the dangers of censorship. Libraries around the world participate in events and activities to bring awareness to these issues.

A challenge occurs when a person or organization attempts to remove or restrict materials or services based on content.  A ban occurs when the outcome of the challenge process results in the removal of the challenged materials or cancellation of the challenged services, based on their content.

For more information, visit the ALA's Banned & Challenged Books website and the Banned Books Week website.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Little Free Library

Guess what?!  I got a Little Free Library for DBS!  :)  I'm super excited.  I've wanted one for awhile and last spring I asked Mr. D if we could put one in front of school.  He loved the idea.  I was hoping to find a boy scout or someone to do it for free, but ended up asking an awesome DBS family who likes doing family projects.  They had a few kids graduate DBS and were excited to make a lasting project for the school.  I was thrilled!  I gave them free range on design and they ran with it.  The week before school started they were ready to install.

I love this family!  They are such an amazing asset to the community.

They even brought some books to get it started!

It has solar powered lights running along the inside of the roof. A very classy touch.

There is a website called that started the movement (as best I know) and maintains a map of locations. I went to registered our new addition and discovered that it's a trademarked name!  Of course! In order to use the name (which we obviously and clearly did!) and be listed on the map you have to pay a small fee and get a plaque.  Guess what I did ASAP?! :)  The plaque should be arriving in the mail any day now. 

During the first week of school I was talking to each of the classes about it and I was thrilled that so many kids had already found it and started getting books.  I love the expressions when I tell them that although it's called a "library" they can actually KEEP the books if they want to!  And add some of their own that they are done with.  The kids love it!  I'll check on it regularly and keep it stocked with books as well, just in case kiddos take books faster than they leave them.