Friday, December 21, 2018

Vacation time!!

Happy holidays to all.  I hope you enjoy a peaceful vacation.  I came across this on Facebook today and it made me smile.

If you need a good book for your daughter, check out Dear Girl, by  Amy Krouse Rosenthal.  I've had it sitting on my shelf for a month or so, but I finally picked it up and read it and it made my heart melt.  I just ordered a copy for my 11yr old.  Even big kids like picture books!  

Testing out Santa's Sphero sleighs

In library class 5th grade has been working on building Santa Sleighs out of recycled materials. Today they got to test them out with Spheros for reindeer! We learned that running on the carpet causes friction which slows things down, that it's good to have your reindeer closer to the sleigh, that a smaller sleigh is easier to pull but carries less presents, and that it's hard for ONE Santa to drive many sleighs!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Sphero Sleighs

This month 5th grade has been working on a STEM project, building a sleigh for Santa out of recycled materials.  It has to carry Santa and some presents, and it will be pulled by a Sphero reindeer!  The kids are having a great time! You have to consider the strength of your Sphero, the size of your sleigh, and the friction of the carpet.