Monday, March 11, 2019

Dorothy's List on NPR

Did you know that NPR has a podcast series for kids called Dorothy's List?  Once a month they focus on one of the book from the Dorothy Canfield Fisher book award list.  They visit children in school to find out what they think of the book, what projects they're doing related to the book, and what questions they might have for the author. Then they ask the author!  This is a great introduction to the books and an engaging podcast series for kids and adults alike.  Check it out on NPR!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

More real-world STEM

These kiddos finished two bookshelves and a book display!  Now they are moving on to an even trickier project -- creating shelves without instructions.  I love their enthusiasm!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Library / Spanish Collaboration

One of the Red Clover books this year has several Spanish words, so the Spanish teacher and I are taking advantage of that for a few collaborative lessons!  With second grade several weeks ago, and again this week with third (3U) we were able to co-teach the class. We met in the library with the kids in their spots. We started with the regular Spanish greeting, then I read The Rooster Who Would Not Be Quiet! while she wrote down the Spanish words on the board as we read.  We took breaks to discuss the words and add additional words based on the illustrations.  The kids pointed out things they already knew, in Spanish, from the book's illustrations.  It was a really engaging class.  I'm looking forward to finding more opportunities for collaboration.