Friday, September 16, 2016

Online Safety and Rings of Responsibility

Between the books and the blocks we will also be spending time this year talking Internet safety and how to be a good digital citizen.

This week the second graders took a virtual field trip to the San Diego Zoo.  We learned about mammals, watched live animals on the "animal cams," and looked at frogs up close.  Before our "trip" we talked about how to stay safe while on a field trip and the kids had lots of great suggestions, such as staying with the group, listening to the teacher, and sitting down on the bus.  Then we talked about being safe online for our "virtual field trip".  We talked about asking before going online, talking to an adult about what site you want to visit, and how to tell if a video is appropriate to watch.

When we were done with our field trip the kids each drew a picture of what they liked best.  If you have a chance, please ask your child about it and reiterate the importance of going to safe, appropriate places online.

If you'd like to further this learning at home, check out this activity sheet from Common Sense Media.

Going Places Safely Online activity sheet

Third graders learned about the "Rings of Responsibility" and discussed different ways to be responsible for yourself, your friends and family, and your community.  We talked about brushing your teeth, eating a healthy breakfast, feeding your pets, listening to your parents, being kind to your friends, picking up litter in the community, and helping your neighbor mow their lawn, and much more.  Then we moved the concept online and talked about how to be responsible for your self (by selecting appropriate websites, for example), and your family (by not sharing your address online, for example), and your online community (by being kind and considerate in online communications).  If you'd like to further this learning at home, check out this activity sheet from Common Sense Media.

Rings of Responsibility activity sheet

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