Thursday, June 1, 2017

2nd graders sending email

Second grade learned about email today because next year they will really start using it!  We talked about all the different kinds of messages you might want to send and the different people you might want to send to, and all the different ways to send messages!  Lots of options!  Then we narrowed our focus to email and boy are they excited to get email accounts!!

The kids learned that email is a electronic message sent from one person to another through the Internet.  We played a game with senders, receivers, and email, imagining that the blue rug was the Internet.  The kids had fun sending messages through "email" to their friends.

I have an email for you.

We tried to ensure that no messages got lost along the way.

Ask your 2nd grader how email gets from one person to the other.

Then, the best part, we sent an email TO THEIR TEACHER!!  They were THRILLED!!  We talked about the TO: field, the FROM: field, and the SUBJECT: field.   The kids learned what to put in each field and why.  As a class we sent a very friendly email to Mrs. Smith and Ms. Mac.

We had a few minutes at the end of class so I gave them choice time.  What I love about this photo below is that you can see writing, coloring, electronics, construction, and collaboration all going on at once.  They were focused and enjoying their activities.

There's so much to do in the library.

I have a different plan for next week, but these kids loved email so much that I might expand on this lesson next week instead.

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